Tax adjusted rate of return
On a risk-adjusted rate of return basis, it is clear that Investment FFF (which we should probably call "Speculation FFF" since it can hardly be called an investment) is not 4-times more attractive despite offering a rate of return 4-times as high. We will speculate that this investment lasts for a period of six years at a 3.5% annual interest rate and a combined state and federal 8% tax rate. Inflation is set at 1.2%. After calculations, we see that the gross future value of this particular savings investment is $22,416.85 as a base figure. Formula to Calculate Real Rate of Return. The real rate of return is the actual annual rate of return after taking into consideration the factors that affect the rate like inflation and this formula is calculated by one plus nominal rate divided by one plus inflation rate minus one and inflation rate can be taken from consumer price index or GDP deflator.