Yen aud exchange rate history

View over 20 years of historical exchange rate data, including yearly and monthly average rates in various currencies. View a table of historical Australian Dollar exchange rates against the Japanese Yen. You may also export this information to Excel or another spreadsheet 

This is the Australian Dollar (AUD) to Japanese Yen (JPY) exchange rate history summary page, detailing 180 days of AUD JPY historical data from Wednesday 20/03/2019 to Saturday 14/09/2019. Highest: 80.395 JPY on 17 Apr 2019. Average: 75.629 JPY over this period. Lowest: 70.106 JPY on 25 Aug 2019. Dollar Yen Exchange Rate (USD JPY) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily U.S. Dollar - Japanese Yen (USDJPY) exchange rate back to 1971. JPY to AUD Stats. HighThese are the highest points the exchange rate has been at in the last 30 and 90-day periods. LowThese are the lowest points the exchange rate has been at in the last 30 and 90-day periods. AverageThese are the average exchange rates of these two currencies for the last 30 and 90 days. Australian Dollar to Japanese Yen Get our best AUD to JPY exchange rate when you buy your Japanese Yen online, then collect in store or have it delivered to your door. Get even better exchange rates via our Travelex Money Card OR when your cash order value is $3,000+ AUD. Australian - US Dollar Exchange Rate (AUD USD) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily Australian Dollar - U.S. Dollar (AUDUSD) exchange rate back to 1991.

This is the Japanese Yen (JPY) to Australian Dollar (AUD) exchange rate history summary page, detailing 180 days of JPY AUD historical data from Friday 

Our Foreign Exchange Currency Converter allows you to quickly convert over 30 foreign currencies. Foreign Exchange; FAQs. Error. This conversion is not  1.095 1.122 1.149 1.176 1.203 1.230 Nov 20 Dec 05 Dec 20 Jan 04 Jan 19 Feb 03 Feb 18 Mar 04 120-day exchange rate history for CAD to AUD  This currency conversion tool provides foreign exchange rates set by Mastercard to convert from the transaction currency to your card's currency for cross-border  AUD to JPY currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Australian Dollar to Japanese Yen allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years. Japanese Yen to Australian Dollar Chart. This JPY/AUD Chart lets you see this pair's currency rate history for up to 10 years! XE uses highly accurate, live mid-market rates. Australian Dollar(AUD) To Japanese Yen(JPY) Currency Exchange History Welcome to the page of currency pairs exchange rate history graph, Australian Dollar(AUD) To Japanese Yen(JPY) Currency. By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for selecting), you can get more previous performance about the two currencies.

The yen is the official currency of Japan. It is the third most traded JPY/AUD exchange rate. JPY/NZD exchange rate.

Australian Dollar(AUD) To Japanese Yen(JPY) Currency Exchange History Welcome to the page of currency pairs exchange rate history graph, Australian Dollar(AUD) To Japanese Yen(JPY) Currency. By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for selecting), you can get more previous performance about the two currencies. The table below shows historical exchange rates between the Japanese Yen (JPY) and the Australian Dollar (AUD) between 3/19/2019 and 9/13/2019. min = 70.6052 (August 25) avg = 75.6914. max = 80.4006 (April 17) The table above displays historical exchange rates between the Japanese Yen and the Australian Dollar. This is the Australian Dollar (AUD) to Japanese Yen (JPY) exchange rate history summary page, detailing 180 days of AUD JPY historical data from Wednesday 20/03/2019 to Saturday 14/09/2019. Highest: 80.395 JPY on 17 Apr 2019. Average: 75.629 JPY over this period. Lowest: 70.106 JPY on 25 Aug 2019. Dollar Yen Exchange Rate (USD JPY) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily U.S. Dollar - Japanese Yen (USDJPY) exchange rate back to 1971.

Convert Japanese Yen to Australian Dollars (JPY/AUD). View charts, common conversions, historical exchange rates and more.

View Scotiabank's buy and sell foreign exchanges prices/rates for popular currency exchange quotes, execute trades and browse transaction history Australia, Dollar (AUD), 0.921900, 0.871000 Japan, Yen (JPY), 0.013554, 0.012717. Exchange Rates & Currency Conversion Calculator - Use the converter to get an indication of the rate you may receive when using your Visa card. Learn more.

Australian - US Dollar Exchange Rate (AUD USD) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily Australian Dollar - U.S. Dollar (AUDUSD) exchange rate back to 1991.

Exchange Rates & Currency Conversion Calculator - Use the converter to get an indication of the rate you may receive when using your Visa card. Learn more. Our Foreign Exchange Currency Converter allows you to quickly convert over 30 foreign currencies. Foreign Exchange; FAQs. Error. This conversion is not 

Australian - US Dollar Exchange Rate (AUD USD) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily Australian Dollar - U.S. Dollar (AUDUSD) exchange rate back to 1991.